Friday, December 28, 2007

Rehab - Lesson 14 and Discharge...

Well, it is over a week since my last rehab session.  Jogged fo 2 minutes, HR 90 bpm, BP 107/70 mmHg.  Completed the program with a formal assessment which saw me reach the last two stages of the 'shuttle walk test' when I had had enough.  The education session was on coronary artery disease.

That same afternoon I was set for an echocardiogram and treadmill test.  Unfortunately, the scan revealed a functional pulmonary stenosis due a solid/cystic mass in the pericardial sac which created a 30 mmHg in the Right Ventricular Outflow tract (RVOT). My treadmill test was abandoned!  Two days later I had a cardiac MRI scan - the result was only teleophoned to me on Boxing Day: it looked like a blood clot which should disperse in time; no need for exploratory surgery at the moment.

Good news, but I am still left with a functional pulmonary stenosis which does put strain on my heart and has me worried about the exercise program I have planned in Phase IV at my local gym.

Meanwhile, I am recovering from a nasty chesty cough illness which has all but ruined the Xmas period.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Rehab - Lesson 13

Well, the penultimate class. A milestone was jogging around the room for 2 minutes. Resting heart rate 81 bpm, BP 104/74 mmHg. Peak HR 156. Amiodarone stopped 3 days ago. Education session was 'Healthy eating part 1: portions and message not to overeat. Some good recipes handed out too. British Dietic Association has a template for a food diary here: Weight Wise template

Feeling sad that the classes are almost over: have enjoyed going to them.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Rehab - Week 6

Well. this week has been eventful: more weights (2kg) and more intense exercise (2 minutes per station).  Resting heart as low as 72 bpm.  BP 114/70 mmHg.  Education sessions on relaxtion and change management.  Both very good and am implementing some of the ideas.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Rehab - Lesson 9 & 10

Monday's education session was on stress.  Not surprisingly I learned that I have a Type A personality.  After reviewung the lecture it is clear I am suffering with significant stress, if not full blown anxiety state.  Sobering!   What will be difficult is attempting to change many of my automatic thoughts.

Exercise class was good although my peak HR reached 160 bpm (no verapamil for several days).   In contrast, today's class was at least as intensive while my peak HR rose to 156 bpm.

Today's education session was on risk factors which was good revision.

Resting HR 85 bpm, BP 106/70.