Tuesday, December 28, 2010

eReader - keep your books when you change device

Ok, I am not condoning piracy, but when you buy an eBook for your current eReader and a new one comes along in a year to two which you covet, you should be able to transfer the books which you purchased with hard earned cash to the new device.  Well, at present you cannot unless you know someone who can help.  Until now!

Here are some links to a helpful discussion with detailed instruction how to rid your newly purchased books of DRM:

Hopefully this will be a boon for you all.

Happy Holidays

Monday, December 20, 2010

Sorting Out Cholesterol and Coronary Artery Disease — NEJM

Sorting Out Cholesterol and Coronary Artery Disease — NEJM

Well, well. A genetic defect which may explain high LDL/VLDL levels in Europeans (up to 68% of us carry this gene). Carriage of the gene confers a 29% excess risk per allele for coronary artery disease. This news cannot help me now, but offers hope for many folks with (familial) LDL/VLDL hyperlipidaemia in future with the anticipated development of novel agents to target the C/EBP–sortilin 1 pathway.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Investigation update...

Excellent news received this week - the horrible stuff in my right lung appears to be nearly gone for some unknown reason.  The CT scan in October has finally been reported and compared with those from London hospital.  This is fantastic news.  Now, my fingers are crossed that this means there is a lower risk for me suffering a serious lung infection this Winter.

And what about my heart?  Echocardiogram and treadmill assessment demonstrated that heart is ... virtually back to normal!


Spotify music 2010 for Xmas

Friday, December 17, 2010

Holiday Season and gift giving

This afternoon one of the booked patients arrived with her husband.  "Here you are," he said handing over a bottle of wine in a nice bag.  "For all you have done for my wife this year we want to say thank you."

Well it would be impolite not accept the gift, but this couple are not well off, and my care of the lady is a professional responsibility which is taken seriously.  Lovely that the care is not taken for granted, but why does the couple feel the need to offer a gift of gratitude?